Bigger means better!
If you study the info below, it will very quickly become apparent to avoid smaller hoses where possible.
Guide for maximum flow:
Pumps and piping: A very common misconception people have when looking at pumps is to go for maximum pressure however we will show you that this is not necessarily the case.
If you want the highest amount of slurry to go through a pipe, a better option is to look at the hose size to reduce the friction rather than the pump.
You can't argue with PHYSICS!
Slurryquip calculates out the most efficient method to achieve high output machines while reducing fuel and pump wear.
We aim to be more efficient to save money wherever possible; this works out more profitable for the farmer and the contractor.
Pipe Diameter |
Flow Rate M3/Hr |
Pressure Loss Over 1,000m |
108mm (4″) |
125 |
9.07 bar |
150 |
150 |
12.63bar |
Pipe Diameter108mm (4″) 150 blank |
Flow Rate M3/Hr125 150 175 |
Pressure Loss Over 1,000m9.07 bar 12.63bar 16.72bar |
Pipe Diameter108mm (4″) 150 131mm (5″) |
Flow Rate M3/Hr125 150 125 |
Pressure Loss Over 1,000m9.07 bar 12.63bar 3.45 bar |
Pipe Diameter108mm (4″) 150 blank |
Flow Rate M3/Hr125 150 150 |
Pressure Loss Over 1,000m9.07 bar 12.63bar 4.8 bar |
Pipe Diameter108mm (4″) 150 blank |
Flow Rate M3/Hr125 150 175 |
Pressure Loss Over 1,000m9.07 bar 12.63bar 6.36 bar |
Pipe Diameter108mm (4″) 150 158mm (6″) |
Flow Rate M3/Hr125 150 125 |
Pressure Loss Over 1,000m9.07 bar 12.63bar 1.45 bar |
Pipe Diameter108mm (4″) 150 blank |
Flow Rate M3/Hr125 150 150 |
Pressure Loss Over 1,000m9.07 bar 12.63bar 2.02 bar |
Pipe Diameter108mm (4″) 150 blank |
Flow Rate M3/Hr125 150 175 |
Pressure Loss Over 1,000m9.07 bar 12.63bar 2.67 bar |
Pipe Diameter108mm (4″) 150 blank |
Flow Rate M3/Hr125 150 250 |
Pressure Loss Over 1,000m9.07 bar 12.63bar 5.11 bar |
Slurryquip offer systems for both farmers and contractors but recommend as much 5” and 6” hose as possible due to much-reduced friction loss when compared to the previously more popular 4” hose.
Reduce wear
Spread faster
Pump thicker slurry
Dramatic reduce fuel usage
Increase output by 120%
Decrease cost to pump by more than 50%
6 mm was added to inside diameters of pipe diameter to allow for stretching.
Figure will vary depending on dry matter of material being pumped. (Figures above are for water.)
Pipe Diameter |
Targeting 170m3/hr |
1000m of 4″ drag hose |
pressure loss 15.86 bar |
Pipe Diameter1000m of 4″ drag hose Total pressure required |
Targeting 170m3/hrpressure loss 15.86 bar 15.86 bar (not achievable with either bauer, criman or doda pump |
Pipe Diameter |
Actual flows achieved at tractor running at 1450rpm achieving 170m3/hr |
600m of 6" drag hose |
pressure loss 1.52 bar |
Pipe Diameter600m of 6" drag hose 400m of 4" drag hose |
Actual flows achieved at tractor running at 1450rpm achieving 170m3/hrpressure loss 1.52 bar pressure loss 6.34 bar |
Pipe Diameter600m of 6" drag hose Total pressure required |
Actual flows achieved at tractor running at 1450rpm achieving 170m3/hrpressure loss 1.52 bar 7.86 bar |
Pipe Diameter |
Targeting 170m3/hr |
600m of 5" drag hose |
pressure loss 3.62 bar |
Pipe Diameter600m of 5" drag hose 400m of 4" drag hose |
Targeting 170m3/hrpressure loss 3.62 bar pressure loss 6.34 bar |
Pipe Diameter600m of 5" drag hose Total pressure required |
Targeting 170m3/hrpressure loss 3.62 bar 9.96 bar |
Pipe Diameter |
Actual flows achieved at tractor running at 1450rpm achieving 170m3/hr |
600m of 6" drag hose |
pressure loss 1.52 bar |
Pipe Diameter600m of 6" drag hose 400m of 5" drag hose |
Actual flows achieved at tractor running at 1450rpm achieving 170m3/hrpressure loss 1.52 bar pressure loss 2.41 bar |
Pipe Diameter600m of 6" drag hose Total pressure required |
Actual flows achieved at tractor running at 1450rpm achieving 170m3/hrpressure loss 1.52 bar 3.93 bar |
ⓘ It is easy to see from the figures that high pressure is not the answer, but hose diameter is if you want high outputs.
Maximum Efficiency
At Slurryquip, we’ve used this insight to develop a more efficient umbilical system. With smoother couplings and optimized hose choices, our design conserves pressure, reducing diesel consumption and pump wear. This ensures your system operates at peak efficiency.